Author: David Eduardo Toro
Affiliations:1 Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida (USA)

Abstract: I prove that the cosmological model of the universe is correct using a heat equation. In the big bang, the initial energy is equivalent to the speed of light squared and over time some of the light cooled down to become baryonic in a time span of 15.35 billion years. This proves that all matter is made out of light-based strings.

I prove that the Grand Unified Force is gravity. The acceleration produced by light strings is what I call the string theory work function. We used experimental data of Einstein’s photoelectric effect to calculate a sodium metal cathodes work function using the string theory work function and energetic considerations. The experimental and theoretical results prove string theory to be correct with less than 1% error. 

Using stellar energetics we compute that the Milky Way galaxy concentrates its gravitational energy in a Plum Line Model towards the center of the galaxy. This and the work provided by all the mass elements in the universe create the central galactic black hole, Sagittarius A*, and the work of all the mass elements in the universe is the source of Dark Energy in the universe. We provide additional evidence for the center of mass action of gravity. The earth’s molten core is due in large part due to the center of mass action concentration of the Earth’s gravitational energy. Hurricane’s are produced due to gravity. The sun’s gravitational energy is also responsible for the majority of the energy found in the center of its core. 

I disprove the Chandrasekhar Limit for the creation of black holes. The entire mass of the galaxy, and the whole universe, does work on the black hole, and this is responsible for the formation of black holes. I prove that the work of the universe shrunk the black hole and created the radial velocity found in the Milky Way Galaxy. I prove black hole physics at the event horizon and inside of the black hole. We derived the mass of the universe using black hole physics and using knowledge of electrostatic breakdown with gravitational energy. The experimental results of the mass of the universe using stars orbiting Sagittarius A* are within 3% of the theoretical value. The size of the universe was computed using stars orbiting Sagittarius A* and proof of inflation is also found and proven in the data set. I also calculated the time it took to create all the energy in the universe and the size of the big bang signal!.

The size of a proton is also derived and it is in close agreement with a recent experimental result. Using a heat equation in an infinite spatial domain we also developed new physics to explain Dimensionality, such as Distance, Velocity, Acceleration, and Energetics as a function of time transformations. This proved all Galileo’s equations of motion, energetics, and proved useful to derive advanced physics. 

Additional proof for string theory was formulated by proving the Planck Mass, the Planck Length, and the Planck Energy, using the string theory work function. 

Using dimensional analysis I derived an expression for a single primitive electric field. I found that the maximum allowed number of electric fields a string can carry is 299,792,458 using energetic considerations. It’s important to note that light-based strings can constructively interfere to create energies higher than that found in one string of light.

I also calculated an expression to explain how electric fields gain and lose their velocity based on the density of the medium in which they travel. The amount of work performed by the signals also changes with the density of electric fields. In magnetic reconnection and lightning discharge, the increased density of electric fields increases the velocity and frequency of the collective signal and this creates acceleration as predicted by the string theory work function.

In addition, we prove Einstein’s Theory of Relativity using considerations in Optics, namely Snells Law, and we prove the dynamics of light with experimental data. The experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical results.

The equation of the flow of time was also computed.


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