When I was young, I wanted to be like Einstein, as I walked from my school to my house in Orlando, Florida I often frequented a small pond. I remember I threw a rock, I saw the ripples that formed in the water, and I wondered what the math of the ripples of the wave was like.

I didn’t take physics in high school, so it wasn’t until being accepted to college at the Florida Institute of Technology that I took Physics 1. I remember looking at the wave chapter and I was dumbfounded at how simple the solution was. It was just a sine wave. I felt silly at the time. But later in my life, I had the pleasure to take a vacation in a luxurious apartment building in Washington D.C. with my sister. It was here where I started thinking about signal processing and I wondered what the derivatives of the sine function would yield. I was amazed to discover that this yields the string theory work function. The acceleration and work produced by strings of light. I knew instantly after performing the derivatives that this is what we call gravity and it’s the Grand Unified Force. I played with the equations for several days, using Isaac Newton’s equation of gravity, Einstein’s equations of energy, and Debroglie equation, and all of modern physics made sense now.

As some of you may recall Plancks equations were derived using dimensional analysis. After I used the string theory work function I derived the math behind Plancks Equations without using units. The theoretical meaning describes the size, mass, and time of strings whose existence is postulated by String Theory. I consequently proved that the string theory is correct by proving the string theory work function experimentally with Einstein’s Photoelectric effect.

Using Dimensional analysis to derive an equation of primordial strings. I derived that strings are Electric Fields and the maximum number of Electric Fields a string can carry is 299,792,458 (the speed of light).

I also derived a theoretical explanation for the mechanics of the acceleration and deceleration of light as a function of the medium that light travels in. And I proved Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity by using the math of light refracted in a diamond using snells law.

In astrophysics, I solved the dark energy puzzle! Gravity works by making all the gravitational signals transmit the energy linearly to the center of mass of the universe. I supported this linear mechanism of gravity by proving the main energy source at the center of the Sun and Earth is primarily gravitational energy. Hurricanes are also produced due to the gravitational center of mass action, with a mechanism similar to that of a black hole.

After doing energetic calculations with the stars orbiting Sagittarius A* I proved that the entire universe’s gravitational well is present in the creation of our central galactic black hole and all black holes for that matter. After calculating the energetics of stars orbiting the black hole, I yielded the age of the universe and the size of the universe. To verify that this was correct I calculated how much gravitational energy is required to break down the electrostatic energy of two opposing charges. This yielded the same result: that the whole universe’s mass gravitational energy had to be present to create black holes.

After using stars orbiting Sagittarius A* inflation was also found to be correct. And data illustrating that the black hole shrunk, which created the rotation of the galaxy was also derived.

I also discovered that our universal model of a big bang is true. I used a heat equation to derive the mass of a proton as a function of the elapsed time itself. This yielded that the universe was created 15.35 billion years ago. The age of the universe using stars orbiting the Sagittarius A* yielded an age of the universe that is within 3% of this theoretical value.

I also derived how long it took to make the energy of the universe in the Big Bang. It took anywhere from 1070 to 1498 years to create the energy in the universe. In this paper, we support that the homogenous nature of energy in the universe, as seen in the Microwave Background Radiation, is supported by the fact that the energy expanded from a central location.

I also used advanced math to prove the Galilean equations of motion using time as a basis. This new math helped me prove String Theory and Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity .

What Scientist Comments

I believe in God - who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of the universe.
Albert Einstein
Bring forward what is true, Write it so that it is clear, Defend it to you last breath!
Ludwig Boltzmann
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
Max Planck
Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.
Isaac Newton
So remember to look up at the stars and now down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and hold on to the childlike wonder about what makes the universe exist.
Stephen Hawking


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